Our Team
Gloria Spedafino-Golle
Executive Director
Gloria is a Mamaroneck native, born and bred. She has a skillset that includes administrative expertise, financial skills, and operational oversight. A graduate of Hofstra University with a B.A. in Psychology, Gloria has worked in the profit and not-for-profit sectors, with positions in finance, marketing, recruiting, school administration, and development. She was previously the Assistant Director of the Ridgeway Nursery School and Kindergarten in White Plains.
In addition to her role as Executive Director, Gloria currently sits on the board of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Local Summit and serves as Trustee of the Rye Neck UFSD School Board. She had previously served as Vice President and President of the board and before that, President of the Rye Neck PTSA.
Email Gloria Spedafino-Golle: director@athomeonthesound.org
Adriana Berlingo
Administration Manager
Adriana comes to At Home on the Sound with extensive administration experience. Adriana has worked in both the for profit and not-for-profit sectors. She has held positions in the travel industry, education, and was an independent contractor as well. Adriana is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University. She previously worked alongside Gloria Spedafino-Golle as the Administration Manager at Ridgeway Nursery School and Kindergarten in White Plains.
In addition to her role as Administration Manager, Adriana has a long history of volunteerism including giving her time as part of her children’s school’s PTSA as well as through her church.
Email Adriana Berlingo: admin@athomeonthesound.org
We THANK our WONDERFUL Volunteers!
Barbara Barber
Maura Barry
Patricia Bave
Arnold & Teddi Becker
Jean Betz
Michael Bloom
Joel Brill
Alice Brofman
Debby Campbell
Carol Cherry
Denise Conlan
Tom Constabile
Rudy & Janet Demasi
Mary Diffley
Kathy Dornbush
Eleanor Dreyfus
Christine Durland
Dave Finch
Kathleen Flynn
Ellie Fredston
Cathy Gigantino
Marion Gindes
Bettina Gould
Janet Gray
Pat Hachey
Barbara Halbridge
Joanne Heller
Rob & Ann Hitchings
Lois Herzberg
Suzy Huang
Mary Ivanyi
Leslie Jeffrey
Marc Karell
Phyllis Kaskel
Susan Keating
Sheila Liebowitz
Jennifer Mahoney
Reverend Lisa Mason
Nancy McCreery
Bob & Friedhilde Milburn
Christina Miller
Leslie Molinoff
Clark Morehouse
Janet O’Connell
Randi Rabinowitz
Bob Rainier
Christine Randolph
Lynn Reichgott
Mark Rubin
Toni Ryan
Mary Schwartz
Ed & Addie Stein
Robert Stark
Colleen Styer
Amy Sullivan
Linda Tang
Su Unger
Harry Vanderslice
Wendy Vega
Arthur Weisberg
Barbara Werber
Jean Young